The world's first vegetarian city, meat is completely banned here.

Palitana is believed to be the holiest city of Jain followers.In the year 2014, more than 200 Jain monks and saints started a hunger strike.


Only vegetarian city in the world. There is a Shatrunjaya hill in Palitana.

In the year 2014, more than 200 Jain monks and saints started a hunger strike.

Sparrow News: Bharat country is a country full of diversity.  There are many types of ancient and divine religious places in our country.  Every state of India, every temple has its own specialty.  Do you know that there is such a place in our India, which is known as the first vegetarian city in the world.  We are talking about Palitana city of Gujarat.

Gujarat has the only vegetarian city in the world
       Palitana city located in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat, which is the only vegetarian city in the world. There is a Shatrunjaya hill in Palitana.You will be surprised to know that there are more than 3000 temples on the top of this hill. The main temple in this is 'Chowmukha Temple' built in 1618 AD. Joel is dedicated to Lord Adinath, the first Tirthankara of Jainism. This is the biggest temple of Palitana. This temple has a different religious significance.

The city is known as the Place of God
      The city of Palitana is located in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. Here is the hill of Shantrujaya, where there are about a thousand Jain temples and Jain followers also live in large numbers. In such a situation, people in this city have been demanding the closure of slaughterhouses for a long time. After this, in the year 2014, more than 200 Jain monks and saints started a hunger strike.
    The people demanded the government to stop the killing of animals in the city and shut down the slaughterhouses. After this the government accepted their demand and also a strict law.

       Jana Janardan of Palitana unintentionally organized a strict bandh in Palitana, the holy pilgrimage of Jains, in protest against the ongoing controversy over the worship-aarti of Mahadevji on the Shetrunji hill and in support of the saint who was on fasting. Small and big organizations of Hindu-Muslim community, various religious-social and educational institutions showed solidarity and automatically stopped commercial and educational activities and made the announcement of Rakhi Bandh successful.
          For the last 13 days, Swami Sharanandji and Shiva devotees are on a fast for worship and aarti in the Neelkanth Mahadevji temple located in the fort area on the top of Shetrunji mountain in Palitana. In the meantime, yesterday, sadhus-saints, leaders of Muslim society, various organizations and associations of Hindu society visited the fasting camp and on Thursday 15-9, Palitana bandh was announced in support of the saint. 18 associations, schools, etc. declared their support for the ongoing movement for religion in the religious city. According to which, on Thursday morning, traders in the market of Palitana unintentionally joined the bandh keeping their work and business closed. In support of the bandh, apart from business in schools and colleges, educational work was also stopped. 
         During the bandh, the police had made tight security arrangements to prevent any untoward incident. Chimki also warned that if justice is not given by the administration and the firm, then from tomorrow the monks and saints of the Akhara and the people of Hindu society, Shiva devotees will give more aggressive programs.
 Also, various societies, leaders and organizations sent petitions to the Assistant Collector of Palitana requesting a positive solution to the just demand of Hindu Sanatan Dharma.
      Significantly, from morning till night in Palitana, traders kept shops, businesses and businesses completely closed. All educational institutions, except single schools, also joined the bandh.

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