Nostradamus Predictions: He made scary predictions about the year 2023.


Nostradamus On World War III: Many predictions of the French prophet Nostradamus have proved to be correct. Nostradamus has also said many such things about the year 2023, which you will also be surprised to hear.


All the written prediction experts have extracted.

Sparrow News : Whenever the world's greatest prophets are named, Nostradamus is placed among the top people.  Hitler, World War II, the terrorist attack in the World Trade Center in America and Nostradamus related to Corona had made many predictions which proved to be true to a great extent.  Nostradamus has also made many predictions regarding the coming year 2023, some of which are very dangerous and some can prove to be good for humans.  Let us know what the experts have extracted from them.

Mention of the third world war

      Nostradamus has made many dangerous predictions for the year 2023. One of which talks about the Third World War. Nostradamus wrote in his prophecy, 'Seven months of great war, people who died of evil deeds.' Many people associate this thing of Nostradamus with the world war. People believe that the war between Russia and Ukraine can be so fierce that it will take the form of the Third World War, or as the conflict between China and Taiwan continues, there is a possibility of a major war due to the arrival of America in it. Like many predictions, if this also comes true, then it will prove to be very terrible for the year 2023.

Explanation of falling light on Mars

      Nostradamus has said in one of his predictions that some light is falling on the planet on Mars. Those who interpret this prediction have said that it may be a matter of humans going to Mars. Significantly, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has definitely talked about setting up a human colony on Mars. The year 2029 has been set to send humans to Mars. Now it has to be seen who can do this work till the year 2023? Many people believe that in the coming years humans are expected to get great success in going to Mars.

New pope and sky fire

       Nostradamus has predicted that someone else may replace Pope Francis and that he will be the last true pope. In his prophecy, Nostradamus has talked about celestial fire falling on the royal building. Many people see it by connecting the new civilization with the birth, while many people associate the fire falling on the royal building to the end of the world. Along with this, Nostradamus has made a unique thing about the year 2023, in which he said that in the coming year two great powers will come together and give birth to a new alliance. 

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