Project Cheetah: 8 cheetahs will come from modified aircraft. come from namibia


Mission Cheetah: After years, the fast-paced cheetah is returning to India. Eight cheetahs from the African country Namibia will be brought to Jaipur after two days.


On September 17, 2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release 8 cheetahs in the Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh. Of these eight cheetahs, three are male and five are female.

With time, like the whole country, cheetahs had disappeared from Rajasthan even before 1950.

Modified Plane, to bring cheetah group.

Jaipur. Cheetah, which is called the fastest creature on earth, is making a comeback in the country after a long time. This is the first time that cheetahs are being brought to India from another continent. In the first phase, eight cheetahs are being brought from Namibia in Africa. These include 5 female and 3 male cheetahs. All cheetahs are 4 to 6 years old. These cheetahs will be brought to Jaipur airport first by cargo plane from Africa. Here these cheetahs will be shifted to Kuno Palpur in Madhya Pradesh by shifting in a helicopter within 45 minutes.

Along with the cheetahs, a team will also come from Africa. Special arrangements have been made for these cheetahs to live in the National Park.  Special training has been given to the staff looking after them.  This special aircraft of Project Cheetah is about to make a historic journey.  He would travel all night from one continent to another.  This is a big opportunity for Madhya Pradesh as the government is confident that due to this ecotourism will increase in this area.  The means of livelihood will also increase for the people living here.

Fortunatelyse cheetahs will be brought to Jaipur first in the country

 These cheetahs will leave from Africa on 16 September and reach Jaipur on the morning of 17 September. During this, a special team will be ready for the health assessment of cheetahs at Jaipur airport itself. Although preparations were made to prepare a special century for Cheetah Rehabilitation in Rajasthan, but his efforts were not favourable. In such a situation, efforts are being made to bring cheetahs in the second phase in Rajasthan.

Selected Female cheetah group.

These are the five female cheetahs, which are being brought from Namibia to Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh.

CCF's Founder and Executive Director Dr. Lori Markar and Captain Hamish Harding have designed this customized Boeing 747 aircraft. These 8 cheetahs include two males of five and a half years, a male of four and a half years, one female of two and a half years, one female of 4 years, one female of two years and two female cheetahs of 5 years. All these cheetahs are being brought from different areas of Namibia.

Male cheetah group.

These are three male cheetahs that will live in the Kuno National Park with female cheetahs. Will help with breeding.

 An expert team has been constituted by the Government of India and Namibia to oversee this entire mission. The Ambassador of the Government of India to Namibia is Prashant Agarwal, the Chief Scientist of Project Cheetah Dr. Jhala Yadvendra Dev, Dr. Sanat Krishna Mooliya from the Ministry of Environment and Anish Gupta, Customs Officer from the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance. On behalf of Namibia, CCF founder Dr. Lori Markar, cheetah specialist Eli Walker, data manager Barthelemy RCCF officer Dr. Ana Bestow are part of it.

 The arrangement for keeping the cage has been made in the Boeing 747 Jumbojet. The cages will be in a special part of the aircraft. Also, the doctors and experts aboard this plane will continue to take care of them. This is a special jet aircraft of ultra long-range. Which can travel continuously for 16 hours. It will complete its journey from Namibia to India without stopping or refueling.

Whatever is necessary to bring cheetah to Rajasthan will be done.

 DN Pandey, the head of the forest department of Rajasthan, said that whatever is necessary to bring the leopards will be done. There was a time when cheetahs were found in abundance in Rajasthan. The habitat of the cheetah used to be in open grasslands. Their favorite prey chinkara deer and black buck are present in many parts of Rajasthan. The then Head of Forest Force UM Sahai, who visited the state along with MK Ranjit Singh, chairman of the committee formed to bring cheetahs to Rajasthan, said that now the crisis on the existence of cheetahs is deepening in the world. Efforts are being made to resettle them in the areas where they once lived.

A total of 50 cheetahs are to be settled in the country.

 Sahai said that fortunately many areas of Rajasthan are still fit to be repopulated there. Open grasslands are also present here for the free movement of cheetahs, while chinkara and black deer are also in sufficient quantity for their hunting. However, 8 cheetahs being brought in the first phase will be taken to Madhya Pradesh. At present, a total of 50 cheetahs are to be brought and settled in the country. With time, like the whole country, cheetahs had disappeared from Rajasthan even before 1950. Rajasthan is the only state in the country where there are more options for cheetah habitat than other states.

♦  What is the story of the last cheetah?

 Let us tell you that the last cheetah died in India in the year 1947. After 5 years it was declared extinct in 1952 and since then there is no cheetah in India. In the year 2009 itself, it was considered to bring cheetah from Africa and now in 2022, 8 foreign cheetahs are being brought. There is also a fact that cheetah hunting and living in the country.

who had killed ?

 It is said that there were three last Asiatic cheetahs left in India, but Maharaja Ramanuj Pratap Singh Deo of Korea (present-day Chhattisgarh) hunted three cheetahs in 1947. It is said that the last three cheetahs were hunted by these Maharajas. Since then, the cheetah has been eradicated from India and in 1952 it was declared extinct. Now the question is whether the cheetah coming from abroad will be able to survive in India or not.

 Questions are being raised in many reports that a large area is required for cheetah to survive.In such a situation, giving them land in India can be a difficult task. Also, they may find it a little difficult to live here according to the environment.

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